We recently had an FHE (family home evening) lesson about the pre-existence. We talked about there being two plans, Heavenly Father's and Lucifer's. Since we're here on earth, we obviously chose to follow Heavenly Father. Whenever the boys are making bad choices (read: being naughty like only 5 yr old boys can!) I ask them, "Who are you choosing to follow right now?" It usually makes them think, at least, even if they don't immediately become the obedient, loving children I know they have in them... down deep inside... ;)
Fast forward to FHE last night. Aiden wasn't paying attention and was climbing all over the furniture. After numerous reminders to sit down properly (on his bum on the seat of the couch rather than on his head with his feet against the wall) and listen, I asked, "Aiden, are you choosing the right?" He said, "No. I'm following Satan... Does that mean Satan chooses the LEFT?" ha ha ha... Well, I guess when you put it that way, we should definitely choose the right and not the left... right?! ;)