This is my sister, Staci. (She's Madi's mom to those of you who don't know her. Of course everybody knows Madi!) She watched Chase for me last week while I took Aiden to the dentist. (I'll blog about Aiden's dental-work experiences another time!) They have two dogs, Peanut (a chihuahua) and Tyrone (a mutt?... Stace?).**
While we were visiting with Staci and Mad after Aiden's appointment, Chase suddenly got a concerned look on his face and asked Staci, "Did your dogs rip your pants?"
To which Staci replied, "Ummm, No. I bought them this way." I think he's with Grandfather on this one and thinks Staci must be crazy. ;)
**If anyone wants a free dog, Staci is ready to give hers to a good home. :D