Friday, May 21, 2010

It's a bird... it's a plane... it's...

"Look Mom, it's Jesus!"

"I think it's Jesus!"

"A girl Jesus!"

(Or maybe just our friend Becca in her graduation gown!)

Gotta love my Aiden! Never know what's going through their heads, right?! :)


jksfam said...

Hee, hee! :)

Christian and Jennifer said...

Ha! Smarty pants!

A Guy,A Girl, And a Max said...

That made me laugh SO hard!! LOL!!

Cindi said...

Kristy, he definitely keeps me laughing! Lori, ME too! At first I didn't know who he was talking about and then when he pointed to your sister, I was seriously amused! :) She does make a beautiful "girl Jesus". Lol! Jennifer, just imagine the conversations if we got our little guys together! :)

Sarah and Chris said...

Haha that is too funny. Your boys say the darndest things.

Jim, Becky, and Kids said...


Shannon Dooley said...

HAHA! I can totally see it!

Cindi said...

I know, right, Shannon? :)