Saturday, September 5, 2009

An earthly home complete with singing and dancing...

My boys love to entertain me. Aiden likes to dance. (You may remember his cute little "booty dance" that I posted previously.) Well, he's recently started going to the piano bench and pulling out the music for "Fur Elise" and asking, "Mom, will you please play this? It's soooo beautiful!" So I comply. Don't pay too much attention to my playing as I made plenty of mistakes... AND the foot is just Chase's way of trying to steal away a little of Aiden's attention! ;) Everytime I play it for him, Aiden dances for me.

Instead of dancing around, Chase sings... and sings... and sings. His two favorites these days are "I Love to See the Temple" and "I am a Child of God". He sang the first for me on camera... He gets a few words wrong, but when I've tried to correct him, he says, "I just want to sing it wrong". Very well, then. :) There is one part I haven't tried to correct, just because I think with his faith and innocence, it could be more accurate. (To "see" the Holy Spirit rather than "feel") :)

After Chase's performance, Aiden wanted to sing so here's a video of Aiden. He couldn't make up his mind which song he wanted to sing and then when did decide on one and realized he mixed up the words, he just sang a little softer so maybe you can't tell. ;)

I'm so grateful for these two little guys. They are the GOOD things in my life! :) I'm not so sure they feel the same, as evidenced by Chase's version of "I Am a Child of God". He inadvertently?combined a couple verses to come up with this, "I am a child of God, and He has sent me here. Has given me an earthly home, that I have to endure"... :) Good luck with that, my son. Good Luck!


Boyce Bunch said...

I love it!!! What sweet little singers!!! Thanks for sharing!!! I loved your stuffed Mickey episode too!! Kids!!!!

Cindi said...

Thanks, Shannon! :)