Thursday, August 14, 2008

Old English

In Old English, words were spelled a little differently (some even different words) than they are today. A few examples:

olde= old
bonefire= bonfire
gong= dung
Shakspere= Shakespeare
misery= Missouri...

Ok, I made the last one up. :D After experiencing the state first hand, however, I believe I may be right. I don't even have to look up the origin of the state's name. I just KNOW that's where it came from. (Kristine, PLEASE don't prove me wrong! lol)

My point is simply that it was MISERABLY hot in MISERY I mean Missouri. ;) Even people who live there were complaining. My poor little boys who were not used to it had sweaty heads the whole time we were there. That said, we managed to have a great time in spite of ourselves thanks to our amazing hosts, Marc & Leilani.

We found this fabulous little farm that was actually clean and the animals were well taken care of. I must note, even the pigs agreed with the misery part (as evidenced by their being fully submersed in their water troughs. You HAVE to be hot to bathe in your own drinking water. Well, maybe that only applies to humans, but still, I'm just sayin'...)

To make up for the miserable heat, Missouri provides some fun things to take your mind off of it like free Friday movies, fountains to play in (even if the water IS warmed up significantly by the sun... even newborn Kavika thought it was a bath!), and the coolest little farm-themed playground.

Thanks Marc & Lani & Charly & Kavika for your hospitality. We'll try not to question your sanity for choosing to live in Misery... I keep doing that!... Missouri instead of mild, comfortable Colorado! We miss you already!


jksfam said...

I won't even look it up! I agree - it can DEFINITELY be misery!!! I'm glad you had a fun trip, though!

Michela said...

I like what you did with your blog! That's where Marc & Leilani went? I knew they moved but I didn't think out of a good state and into a "state of Misery". Oh well, it's their choice, why did they go there anyway? Jobs? Family? Revelation? Did they not want to walk like the rest of us when the time comes? Now that I know how miserable it is, I don't think I'm going! =D

Teresa Jolley said...

It's nice to see updated pics of you guys. There baby looks adorable. How old is he now?

Cindi said...

Kristy, even though I tease you, I secretly count on you to educate me... You're like my personal encyclopedia or something. lol

Michela, yes, how crazy are they?! They went for a job, but Marc isn't even with the company they moved for. They said that's where the Lord wants them... they didn't listen when I told them I thought their communication was a little rusty because he told me they should still be here! ;)

Teresa- Kavika is darling. Such a good, content little guy! He's 8 weeks this week.

John-Maren Goodman said...

You finally joined us Bloggers. It gets really addicting! I love your background!

DeeDee {the great} said...

Yer English is gud. So r your pictures. Missouri is the "show me state" for a reason. You know like, misery? Show me!