Monday, March 2, 2009

Citizen Karam

Usually I post about my little boys. Today's post is about the "big" boy in my house. He's originally from Baghdad. He's actually lived in the U.S. longer now than he lived in Iraq. He thinks he's pretty much mastered the language... and he does ok... until he tries to use common "sayings" or slang. That's where the humor begins. We even dubbed his silly sayings "Karamisms". The other night after a ward adult activity (not the "adult" kind you're thinking... ha, ha) Karam was proud of himself for socializing and making a potential "date" to go to the shooting range with BRAVE Kevin. When we got in the car he commented (in an effort to make me proud of him as well), "See? Your hubby is a butter SOCIAL fly!" I'm so proud! ;) lol Just for fun I thought I'd post a few of the other more "entertaining" things he's said to me (or others) over the years...

*After spending lots of time indoors while visiting my brother and sister-in-law in New York, Karam wanted to get out and GO somewhere. He claimed to be getting "homophobic". (We questioned Dennis since he was the only other male in the house at the time!)

*It drives him nuts when other cars on the interstate don't stay in their own lanes... and "step on the lines".

*Because he is SEVERELY claustrophobic, he had to be "seduced" by the doctor prior to getting an MRI. Mind you, he just gave him "seduction" pills to help take the edge off. ;) (Sedation usually works better... for most people.)

*When we were still "dating", he was a smooth-talker. He told me that he couldn't ever imagine being with anybody else. He said it was like I'd dug a hole and he was just stuck in there forever. "But", he said, "As long as I'm in your hole, I'll be happy."

Anyway, just a few Karamisms I thought I'd post for posterity (and anyone else who needs a good laugh). :D


A Guy,A Girl, And a Max said...

HAHA!! What a silly butter social fly!! Kevin is QUITE excited to take him shooting! Tell him thank you for getting me out of it! :)

The "Eck's" Files said...

goodness--I had an awfully good laugh on that one!!

Teresa Jolley said...

A laugh we definatly got. I had to read those to my husband cuz they were so funny. He's a good sport. Good ol Karam.

Cindi said...

Yep, he's a good sport... just don't tell him about this blog! ;) lol Just kidding.

Lori, tell Kevin we can add the shooting hours too in exchange for piano... that would make everybody happy! ;)

Noma said...

Cindi, go to my Blog...I don't know how to put your Birthday post on your Blog, sorry!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, I LOVE YOU!! Thanks for being a wonderful Daughter, and a wonderful Mother to my twin Grandsons...Aiden and Chase!! I hope you have a GREAT DAY even though you are 40!! lol I love you, MOM

Anonymous said...

Oh, the laughter! I was crying I was laughing so hard. Thanks for sharing this with the world!

The "Eck's" Files said...

HAPPY Birthday!! I was on a vacation with NO CELL and NO INTERNET....In a HOTEL no does that happen???? Hope you did something decadant and wonderful! Or at least fib to me about it??? Please?

Jeep Master said...

thanks for your comment, i appreciate it a lot!

jksfam said...

I meant to comment on this when I first saw it, but didn't. I wish I was "seduced" by the ENT!!!

Cindi said...

I know, Kristy... you had the opposite experience. Too bad, especially since there were young, cute ones! ;)