Friday, September 19, 2008

Far, far away...

Whenever we get in the car lately, Chase asks, "We're not going far, right Mama?" I usually tell him, "No, we're going... " and tell him wherever that may be. He then asks, "That's not far, right?" Well, yesterday Chase decided he WANTED to go far, far away. He wanted to go back to "Souri" (otherwise known... on this blog, anyway... as Misery.). Why? Because he missed baby "Kabeeka". (Kavika for those of you thinking, what an odd name.) He begged for seriously hours. That boy just doesn't forget! You can't distract him and get him on another idea. He wants what he wants, when he wants it. He's in for a lot of disappointment. :(

Mind you, the tears were not because I told him we weren't going. The tears were because he was "missing Kabeeka so much".