Saturday, January 29, 2011

Mistaken identity

Chase is a whistler. He practices all the time. I think it's cute most of the time, but sometimes it can get a little bit annoying. His dad is a little less tolerant and finds it annoying pretty much all the time. Fast forward to Friday night...

The Elders from our church joined us for dinner. We were all seated around the table passing bowls of green beans, serving up fettucine, etc. all while being serenaded by a soft, easy whistling. Nobody seemed to mind or really notice until Karam in a threatening-loud-only-made-by-dad-kind-of-voice exclaimed (looking directly at Chase) "NO whistling at the table!" Chase innocently proclaimed, "It was the missionary." So then Karam added a serving of "words" to his plate... Gobbled 'em right up! ;)


A Guy,A Girl, And a Max said...

LOL!! Your blogs crack me up!! I will have to tease Karam about this one!! :)

Cindi said...

Thanks, Lori! Please feel free to give Karam lots of grief! ;)

DeeDee {the great} said...

AWESOME!!! I love eating my own words...NOT! heehee Good job, Karam! You crack me up, too!