Wednesday, October 1, 2008

M Vee...

That's right! I have joined the ranks of the cool M Vee drivers. Me. What? You don't know what an M Vee is? It's a cool car. It's the kind that only cool people drive and everybody else just wants to drive. I've always dreamed of the day I would join the COOL people. And finally the day is here! It's a happenin' car, too. DVD player. Navigation. Automatic opening and closing doors. Lots of space. Room to take additional people besides just the boys and me. Yep. It's sweet. NO, I am NOT just trying to make it sound great. It IS great. Really. There are other names for it that you may be more familiar with... Town & Country... Mini-Van. Somehow those sound really Mormon-mobile-like and not so happenin'. So if you don't mind, I'll just call it an M Vee because that brings to mind (mine anyway) something impressive and sporty. ;D

As long as we're talking about "new" things at our house, here's a picture of the boys taking their new puppy, "Pinga" for a walk.

Where, oh where do they get those imaginations?!?

P.S. They dressed themselves! lol And NO, I didn't let them go anywhere like that! ;)


John-Maren Goodman said...

LOL :)) You crack me up!! My husband hates M-vees and refuses to own one. I don't mind them and wouldn't mind owning one. But i'll be stuck with SUV's and big cars like that for the rest of my life. Hey, what's a girl to do!!

jksfam said...

I was about to do an internet search for M-Vee! (You know how I am...) So did you get a Town & Country? I hope you like it!

"Pinga" totally made me laugh!!! Love the outfits, too, especially the circle "tattoo."

The "Eck's" Files said...

for years my kids "walked" a stuffed dalmation puppy. I finally hid it because it was FILTHY!!! I cleaned the garage and they found it again, and put it in the cat kennel....please keep in mine my kids are WAY older than yours, so.....well.....good luck!! =)

Teresa Jolley said...

I love M-Vee's. Ok not really but they work best for me. I have a town and country too. An older one but I want a newer one like yours. I need a dvd player to keep my older kids from fighting all the time. Sorry I'm so behind on reading your blogs. I'm a slacker.