Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Anatomy 101

***Warning... "explicit" discussion... (between a 3 & 4 yr old)***

Conversation overheard (by me) between my 4 yr old niece, Madison and my 3 yr old son, Chase:

Madi: You have a penis?

Chase: Yes. You don't have a penis?

Madi: No, I have a jay-jay.

Chase: I don't have a jay-jay. Um, who cut 'it' off?

Madi: Um, the penis-guy, I guess.

Who knew there was one of those guys? I guess it only makes sense. ;)


John-Maren Goodman said...

That story just put the smile on my face that I've been needing for a while!!!!!

Jeanne said...

Well it would certainly explain a lot then!

I love overhearing conversations held by little ones!

Anonymous said...

I have never laughed so hard!!!

The "Eck's" Files said...

Jay-Jay. I haven't heard that one!! We call it the Hoo Hoo!! LOL

Michela said...

That is hilarious! I never heard of a "jay-jay" either! I must have missed some classes at school... That reminds me of a conversation my kids were having when they were little. (they didn't know I heard them) It was Christmas time and Bryttnii (then 5) was telling Tyson (then 7)"You know Santa doesn't exist, it's mom and dad putting stuff under the tree" and Tyson told her "Shut up! As long as mom and dad keep thinking that we believe in Santa, they will keep buying us stuff!" So after recovering from my stomach pain from laughing, I realized that both of them knew the truth... or is it the truth?...

Cindi said...

I think the "jay-jay" thing was started by Oprah... "vah-j-j". So did you all continue to pretend ignorance, Michela? How long did that last? Very funny!