Saturday, December 6, 2008


Anybody else out there who is a little sensitive about people talking about you behind their back? Is it really just me?!

When you feel like you've been doing your best at something (and feel like you've succeeded) but then find out that other people are saying how unorganized things are or whatever (completely unsolicited, behind your back), do you feel personally affronted?! Am I really the only person that is bothered by things like that?

When you walk into a room and people suddenly stop talking, and it's obvious they were talking about you, do you doubt their sincerity? Do you wonder what else they're saying about you?

When people "snub" you or someone you care about, do you care?

I feel like I'm so sensitive, and yet I just don't know how NOT to be offended by these "little" things. I just don't.

I'm not innocent. It's not like I NEVER gossip. It's not like I only say all good things about people. When I DO say something negative, it's about some way I've been wronged or something that has happened to me personally involving another person. Not that that's good or really "ok", it's just a little more "justified" to me than simply judging and critiquing people for no other reason that to criticize and find fault. Especially when they're nice and friendly to your face.

Perhaps I'm just the most insecure person I know. Maybe if you're super secure you really don't care what other people say or do or think. Then again, if you're super secure, I don't think you would feel the need to find fault with other people either. Not caring is probably the happier way to be... to be indifferent to the cruelty out there. I just know I'm not one of those people. I never have been. Maybe someday I will be. Maybe. Maybe it's better that way. Or maybe it's just insensitive. I don't know... Do you?! Am I really alone in this?!


jksfam said...

Right there with you! So sorry!!!!

By the way, I can't see the text of this post without hilighting it. Is it supposed to be white?

Also, by the way - you're AWESOME!

Our Life is a Journey said...

No you are not the only sensitive person out there! I'm right there with ya. When this sort of thing happens I usually try to give the benefit of the doubt that they mean well. Although it's not always easy.

Cindi said...

I need to work on that part, Jessica... I'm too quick to assume the worst instead of giving the benefit of the doubt! :( Were you at Church today? I didn't see you.