Monday, December 29, 2008

Helping hands...

Aiden pretty much slept the whole day yesterday. He was fine before church, but fell asleep soon after Sacrament meeting started. Then I found out after church that he slept through nursery as well! Later we were at Grandma & Grandfather's house and he slept most of the time there too! He said he felt fine, but all that sleeping just isn't like my little Aidee, so we asked Grandfather and Uncle Marc to give him a Priesthood blessing. (Karam was at home.) I was sitting on the loveseat holding him on my lap while they administered to him. I was more than slightly amused when halfway through the blessing Chase (who was standing behind me on the loveseat) chose to join the circle by placing his hands on top of Grandfather's and Marc's! :D Someday he's going to make a great little Priesthood holder!


jksfam said...

Funny! Is Aiden okay?

Cindi said...

Today Aiden has been fine, but Chase has been running a low-grade fever and complaining of a headache... I hate when my babies get sick! I don't know what the deal is. Aiden never had any other symptoms than sleeping a lot. Hopefully tomorrow Chase will be all better as well!