Thursday, January 15, 2009

It's a bird. It's a plane. It's... Grandma?

Today we went to the park. The plan was for Grandma & I to walk around the path surrounding the park while Aiden & Chase played. Instead they insisted on following us. Since it was cold and their walking/ running around was making their coughs worse, I eventually just stayed at the playground while Grandma finished walking. There was an Air Force cargo plane circling in the air the whole time we were there. The boys and I were all on swings just enjoying our time. I asked, "Where's Grandma? Anybody see her?" I looked around and when I saw her I pointed in her direction saying, "There she is!" The plane just happened to be circling just above where she was walking. Aiden quickly informed me, "Hey! That's not Grandma! Hers not an airplane!" Silly me. I often make that mistake.. is that Grandma flying around in the sky? Nope. Just an airplane! ;D