Friday, November 7, 2008

Anal retentive...

I wouldn't normally use that phrase to describe myself. I think of myself as pretty easy-going. (If you think differently, it would be interesting to know... as long as you tell me with lots of sugar-coating and diplomacy so that it doesn't hurt my feelings or offend me because I'm NOT delusional about my easily-offended-takes-everything-personally traits.) Anyway, I realized I'm a little obsessive about what the boys wear when Aiden had a fit because the car pajama top I picked and the car pajama bottom "DON'T MATCH!". Hmmmmm. A THREE year old cares about his pajamas matching. Wonder who taught him that?! (In my defense, they DID in fact match. There were two sets that came together and were interchangeable. It's just that one had vehicles all over the top and bottom and the other had solid colored pants with a top that just had four vehicles in a square. Maybe I just convicted myself rather than defending! ;) oopsie) Well, in an effort to relax my retentiveness a bit, I actually let the boys pick their own clothes yesterday... they didn't match and Chase's shirt was even on inside out. Yes, I DID tell him, but he said he "wanted to wear it like this" I allowed it! I also allowed Aiden to wear his t-shirt backwards. He liked having the "GAP" symbol that is normally in the back in the front instead. I even told Karam to leave it when he tried to convince him to switch it around.See? I'm soooo easy-going. Not only that, I happily agreed to let Chase help me "fold" the laundry AND I didn't even re-do the things he "folded" by wadding them up. :) I'm fearless! Yeah ME!


jksfam said...

Great job! I gave that up long ago!

And just to show how I am similar, here's a typo..."A THREE year old cars (cares) about his pajama's matching." Ithought they might be "Cars" pajamas at first.

Cindi said...

You must've read my blog like the second I posted it because I also caught the typo and fixed it... seriously like the minute I posted it. I even checked it again to make sure it was correct after I read your post. :D

jksfam said...

That's another way that I can be AR - Google Reader has made me that way!

Teresa Jolley said...

Lol,I'm sort of anal when it comes to certain things too, but the more kids you have, the less you start to care. It takes way too much work when you have 4 kids plus a 5 kids. :)

The "Eck's" Files said...

Ah Cindi--you have joined the Sisterhood of Mothers who suck it up and PRETEND they don't care!! HA HA!!
I KNOW that's what you are doing....not that I do it...and shut up---It IS NOT!!